Doesn't matter if ya have the realm of ghur and command points to spend
Triple dread is a fun thing to go for the luls and the intimidating factor it brings. But the more I try out a double the more I find it to be...
2e hasn't even been out a year yet so I would take it with a grain of salt
For Morathi Whats the word on mortal wounds? Does she take a limit on those as well? Or can I just nuke her turn 1 and trample over the remains?
A good way to help the troops out would be to give maybe 2 rend on the acid breath or give em a decent ward save. But yes giving us fucking mount...
Man I hope our big nastys get mount traits since most of them have a lot of skinks on em
Then I should have rend 4 for my jaws
I'd say try the armies subcategory IMHO There isn't a pros build. Up until the great shakeup as I call it. Salamanders were the best bang for ya...
I know it is a dumb nurgle gimmick but what if we had a variant of disgustingly resilient?
I mean aos can copy wh40k and make it so you can't target anything below 10 wounds if they have a screen. Magic yeah its still a issue to be...
It would be glorious to get a nakai model he'd be a fun named character that is overpriced for what he can do
Yeah ungrim is the variant of slayer that is locked in constant "what the hell" or "huh?" State, since his duty as a king is to protect his hold...
Real bosses don't wear no armor lad we put our belt on grab an axe and start showing people whats up
Question about bases. Is there a reliable distributor for my gargantuhuge beasties sized bases or should I just make my own. (I made mine)
Right? They're dwarves nonetheless they should have at least cannons
bring out count noctilis
Hes a lovely person. Solid swap out for slann which in itself makes your dreads tankier vs spells. I'd love to see a bat rep for this build