I usually just throw bigger dinosaurs at them
Oh I wasn't saying it was nids at all I was just putting out information on a cool unit
1. True 2. Also True 3. I don't agree. A lot of our thicc bois can last quite a great deal of rounds less the dice gods say otherwise. Ignoring...
How I feel they forgot
The red terror has a debatable size from a large Ravener to the size of a trygon. I can see them trying to make it with a ravener kit but honestly...
Ahh yes clarification is best thank you
Its no different than thunderlizard using stegadons as a battleline
How dare you!!!
Fucking right? God those models are so fucking herpaderp it makes it hard for me to want to field them xD
Yeah stegadons overall are more reasonable to take in an army especially the chief. But I feel with the sheer overall possible wounds a dread can...
My colleagues and I work wonders on battlefields. But we do have a hefty cost associated with our dominance.
It was already hard enough to get 3 fucking 8.5"x11.5" bases and I'm probably gonna be forced to rebase my titans. Hiss I dislike that
ahhh a man of culture one of pure unapologetic yes let's give this a whirl
Lovely fairly straightforward. I'd go ghur as a realm( or is that what its really called) to fight at top bracket with the big nastys
or Or OR. We could have an ability that allows a player to pay 4CP to let them pick which unit gets removed
Genestealer cult or dark eldar
Realm: ghur Seraphon - Coalesced (no Subfaction) Skink Starseer - General: Master of Star Rituals, Gryph feathercharm Skink Priest Skink Priest...
You'll do fine with this list if they are allowing realms pick up ghur so you can keep my colleague fighting at the top bracket