Outstanding my fellow but don't forget one of my colleagues also has the abilities to basically force an enemy to use cp on battleshock tests. I...
(Stirs bathtub sized chalice) quite (grins)
You good fam keep doing what you do.
You have to summon it all at once I thought or wait till the next turn to summon more. Or is this deep-strike you're talking about?
Orruk ardboy, 40k ork, dark Eldar, slannesh what the hell ever, maybe khornite reavers, possibly slaves to darkness, or a bold claim. New commisar...
Ahh yes good ol mazdamundi comes to mind
This is warhammer grimderp>everything
It hardly looks turn based. I'd hazard a guess that its kinda like diablo
BACK TO THIS. Is it revealed? Because I want to take a stab into the dark. Wulfrick the wanderer
Because that made sense
If that doesn't scream stunty or other orderly meat idk what
Dnd dragonborn fighter and paladin
I can only think of the comical ideas of we had if the seraphon were on the chaos tide
Looks quite lovely tbh. I'm excited to see whenever they decide to remake the kroxigors look.
Updated it for more on how I naturally look when I bring the lads in
Thank you two I like talks thinking too
alright hear me out I already know how comedic my unit is. But I've been playing a bit of total war... what if I could have a skink chief and...
Can't bring back tomb kings. Sigmar already massacred settra and turned him into a god damned abomination there is only one tomb king i will...
(Disco dancing dinosaur)