Cool! I always knew the elves-eldar, etc., but the idea of using lizards as tyranids never occured to me... i already have an eldar army(smalll,...
I know that you COULD propbably do it to a mixed unit... but im not sure about a pure krox unit.... It would probably be more awesome in a mix...
I love skinks, i have like 72, not including heroes, and i usually use most of em, which isnt hard, at 5-8 points apiece. Yep these...
Sorry on both accounts, for the first, i started with 40k(I've been in the hobby for like 3-4 years) and only started WHFB like a year ago(WAAAAAY...
I love fluff. Often , when im bored, ill think up some stuff for my army . PS: I HATE one color scheme :rage: , so each of my units of 12...
In the lizardmen codex, under scar vet(as well as skink chief, oldblood, etc.) it say Weapons; and under that it says the options(Spear/Great wep,...
Im re-reading all the spell lores and evaluating how good they are, and reading metal again 3 times, i realise it's pretty good, not as great...
One other thing; Versus wood elves, lore of fire :meh: only really works against treemen and treekin(but is still VERY strong), because dryads...
I don't really know, other than that I love shadow vs. almost anything, especially Wood Elves because Dryads, wardancers,etc. don't do well when...