Ah, so I did. My apoligies.
There's another idea! An inherent Ward Save for the Skink Lord, to represent their preternatural swiftness. Something that add's +1 to any Ward...
Saurus riding juvenile Carnosaurs as Monstrous Cavalry. The Tomb Kings got the Necropolis Knights, so we could get something like this. Definetly...
For a Skink Lord... Always Strikes First would be a good start, since being fast is part of what Skinks are about. S4 and T3 are just fine, when...
We might be both wrong. Apparently I'd only heard half the rumour. The rumour is that instead of being THE distinct C'Tan, they'll become a...
The Necrosphinx looks just as nice in real life too. And they were working on some Sepulchral Stalkers when I stopped in too, which also look...
Honestly? I can't think of anything. I don't play Necrons anyway, I've just heard that the C'Tan are out this edition. But, if GW sticks to the...
Then maybe they need to FAQ it again, because the way I interpret it, it means that if I have 12 power dice, I can't use the 'phantom' one since...
Considering the Void Dragon is imprisoned, I wouldn't hold my breath. Like I said though, we're likely to see the C'Tan removed as a playable...
While we can now see that there's a sphinx, that doesn't necessarily mean they won't have a big scorpion too. While the Orks got the Arachnarok,...
The sphinx is even nicer than I thought it would be. And it's doubly nice in that I wasn't expecting it to be a kit that you could use to make one...
Is it really a problem though? Does 7 dice isntead of 6 really give you a huge boost in rolling power that if we lost it it'd be some horrible...
The thing is, all Saurus already have the Sacred Spawning of Quetzl, in a way, don't they? Last edition their Scaly Skin was 6+, now it's 5+.
And how many points do any of your think a lvl 4 Skink priest is going to cost? No Mages that powerful are cheap, which brings me back to my...
Yes, we're likely to get a sphinx for the Tomb Kings. Big monsters and 'flying' vehicles are the order of the day for these editions of Fantasy...
Necrons are more likely to be first, they need it a whole lot more than Tau. But I wouldn't hold my breath too much on keeping the C'Tan. They're...
Does the book give a lot of attention to the Lizardmen then? I'd thought to avoid it, since it seemed to be more about Thanquol and Boneripper....
Well, if we're going to be humorous about this... You need a special rule called "America! Fuck Yeah!", maybe something that gives units a bonus...
I think we need some king of Skink Lord too. But I don't think an albino high priest really brings anything to the table. Unless Slann get even...
I don't like the idea of 'young' Saurus myself. But we could always bring back the Red Crested Skinks, and give them something more over regular...