Damnit!! Had yet another game where the steg got turned into red paste before the game even began!!! What a pain!! Stupid empire.
No instances of heroic killing blow... I can think of many cases where magic items have HKB - like effects, if you see what I mean. Vampire...
Only problem with the heirophant slaying is now the enemy general can keep his alies on high leadership, so unfortunately they're hard to take...
Seems irritating though, because that means you end up having to use your engine to portent of warding its way to safety, not using arcane...
The way I see it is this: Outside of a challenge, you can't cause "bonus" combat res by killing some models that are already dead. I wouldn't...
Is it me, or do engines of the gods have some serious setbacks? Every time I bring one it gets rocklobba-sniped on turn 1 !!
A tried and true tactic Leo ^^. Yesterday I got lucky with one such manouver, the general of a vampire army ran headlong into a unit of saurus...
It's when it gets to Heroic Killing Blow that things start to get a little silly. Thankfully the only people who can use that one are Brettonian...
I kinda like my saurus being around 5 or 7 wide, horde rule Krox are just plain hilarious! I do very much like the Ld10 temple guard though, that...
Level two skink is bringing two arcane items, you're gona have to drop one of them, sadly. Other than that though, it all seems pretty good. How...
If you had a few skinks around you could absolutely lay waste to the hellpit with thunderbolt/chainlightening, and all without sacrificing the...
Being S7 with a character (especialy in a frenzied unit!) makes al the differennce against monsters and the like. Usualy if I took a character...
For some reason they just don't do it for me, though. Like they'll go into a combat with every advantage then fluff their attacks, then my Slaan...
I think the problem with this list is a lack of manouverability, if you end up fighting an enemy with lost of fast cav or just good movement, you...
Interesting choice with the Glittering Scales character, he's sure to mess with blood knights lol. Saurus hordes usually thrive against vampires,...
I tried solo slaan too, but as a different role. I gave him the crown of command, higher state of consciousness, and then ran him into a 30-man...
@Arli For some reason, temple guard just don't do the trick for me. Am I just rolling bad with them or something? Because they keep losing...
I think that Life and Light conflict a little here, they don't let you make really good combinations... Might I suggest Life and Shadow for a...
Odd that you would take a slaan with no temple guard...
Mostly I think it looks pretty solid. Magic with this list should be mostly fairly defensive, so I would play Lore of Shadows or as you said Lore...