I had a similar build, but not with Lizardmen. I was using Dark Elvis. 3 mages actually....lvl 4 Shadow, lvl 2 death, level 1 dark. I...
my consensus as well.
I'm confused why dwarfs would be in our jungles in the first place. Skink-ly poison would have done them in long ago.
I had thought the tourney I'm hitting on the 16th was 2200 points, sounds like its 2500 instead, so I revamped my list. Slann - BSB, Focus of...
I'm confused on why the Skrox can stomp still, if they are supporting from the 2nd rank....someone splain please?
I know it sounds almost heretical, but i typically keep a stegadon, or ancient one in most army lists. I face cannons very infrequently around...
The salamander ranged shooty attack is coming out of their mouth, but is it a breath weapon? In close combat, would it qualify for the 2d6 auto...
I like it. I will actually advocate for a horde of saurus. I routinely use saurus spearmen in a horde, and honestly it crushes EVERYTHING that...
After hitting the archers, I did have to test, and I did do it against unmodified leadership. I stuck around, they didn't break...that was good....
Tonight I used a 24 skink, 3 Krox unit against some HE. I went into the battle with them arrayed 6 skinks up front, 3 krox, then 3 more ranks...
Can someone please quick explain to me how the step up rule works with the skinks in a Skrox unit? Meaning, if I have a Horde of skrox,...
Two Words: Tetto'Ecko
Thank you. I have some questions regarding the Chameleons. I was under the impression that you cannot use them effectively at range to deal with...
Hello All...First time poster here, please be gentle I will be running the Lizards in a 2200 point tourney on June 16th, using the Aedepticon...