The model is simply too cool not to use. I feel like this book is way more about setting up the right synergies in the right places at the right...
Re: Help, creating a Slann-free 2.5k list. Special Character For my $.02 I'd point out that magic defense is critical so I'd suggest taking the...
Having them as two units might also have an advantage if it is a game where claiming table quarters matter. Sending the big lads out to break...
Though this sounds to me mostly like a case of you rolled like crap I will say I am generally not a fan of the skrox units for this very reason....
Also worth pointing out that the skrox can't have a magic banner. CoC with banner of flame will take care of hellpit abomb or trolls quite...
I'm running with 10 CoC personally. I will say they are more expensive than a 24/3 skrox unit but they don't give away combat resolution by the...
Yeah it isn't always a problem but against elite infantry it can make a real difference over time. Especially true if they are a smaller unit.
Yeah it has been said but I'll add my $.02 Part of why they seem so amazing is that you are at low levels and TK just don't get their synergy...
I have been playing ogres since 8th came out so I am going to say run them in 2 units of 8 (4 wide and 2 deep) and use the leftovers for a skrox...
All I am going to say is that having been at this game and hobby for a very long time I think 8th is the best edition by far and that the books...
Boston, feel your pain. That said, just don't buy new. I not only don't buy anything new but I have made sure my local store owners know that...
I am fairly new to 8th edition lizards to take this for what it's worth... I think you are going to lose a lot of games during deployment with...
I'm a returning player and haven't touched my lizards in 8th yet but I'll offer my $.02 If you are only using your skink units to protect the...