Is nobody answering because I´m right or because I´m a stupid git for believing I might be?
revised army list. sadly can´t get slann without changing the list more than i want. still looking for advise on alternative magic items/weapons...
the dark elf army list Lords 1 high sorceress with extras 355 points -25% core 40 spearmen with commands and such 317 points 10 crossbowmen 100...
In a TG unit the slann is always placed in the second rank (Armybook guardians rule). While he is in the second he may act as normal (Armybook...
hi. In a couple of weeks, I´l be playing against a friend with high elves (3000points) with another friend of mine (1500 each, he plays Dark...
Hi, Im new here, but longtime, not very active LM player. in the spirit of rules-lawyering and nitpicking: the Slann can be clallenged, but not...