Hello all, I have two things to say about this topic. First: I checked the army book because I thought that 450 pts looked steep for the EotG,...
I know this might have been mentioned before, but I was in need of help from Empire shooting. My friend has decided to go with very shooty Empire...
Welcome to the game. First to answer your question, the average game of Fantasy is around 2000 - 2250 pts so you can take a lord in your army....
I've actually found GW's odd numbers helpful. I am running two units of 10 skink skirmisher, a unit of 16 cohorts, and 2 units of 18 saurus. I...
Thanks for the advice guys. About the Terridons: I wasn't going to use them as a screen per-say. They would have simply dropped their rocks on...
Yea, I understand that cold blooded helps a lot with stupidity, but it doesn't get rid on it. Stupidity wasn't a major concern for me anyway. My...
My original idea was to deploy Terridons in front of the COR, and have the Terridons drop rocks on the support unit on the flank to make it...
Hey all. Had an other noob question. I've been looking at a flanking unit of COR for a 1850 list. My question is what units are good to use as...
Re: How to Handle Cheese (Updated: July 1st, '09) This is a great, and look forward to reading more. I haven't played much Warhammer yet, but...
Na. It's just the Warhammer 40k/Gaming club that I'm a member of. There isn't a GW store in the entire state I live in. :( We organize events...
Ok, I don't feel as dumb now. thanks again guys
The bases aren't hard or too expensive. Its textured plasti-card and a few seconds with a dremal to make the edges flush with the base. my 10...
Hey all. I've recently settled on an army to play with and I'm starting to build the models. I am putting my saurus and other larger troops on...
Oh, I remember that roll. I just didn't know of the name of it. that was a great explanation, and I wanted to thank all of you for the great...
This is my noob showing. I can't seem to find the crossfire rule in the SRB. I know this is the wrong place to ask, but cold someone explain the...
These comments help a lot. I noticed that the Terridons aren't any good in combat so I've planed them for war machine hunting and dropping rocks...
Those pesky heroes that challenge him. That and not having a 5+ ward save. :D
The main reason I took the Gylphs is that I didn't want the priest to be killed the first round on combat. It provides some more protection for...
@ Barotok - I was hoping the EotG in the first list could help with the heavy hitters, along with the Terridons. The second list has a unit of...
I wasn't too sure about the shield, but it does provides that extra +1 to the armour against any shooting. It could help if he manages to find...