Flamers of Tzeentch are better than the used to be, and they are 35 points instead of 50. They are close to overpowered. However; Best ways to...
First of all, I was trying to help the OP make a list that is hard AND can be used in tournaments without him getting slammed, not JUST a...
I will do my best! As will my Chaos Khorne aligned girlfriend! Marry her. Just don't get her angry.
Don't get the army set. It has Saurus Cav in them.
OR.... I realise my last post seemed mad final.But no. Give him the enchanted shield. Why---? Character charges temple guard. Revered Guardian...
""Alone, So they can aim at multiple units and cause checks, as well as to not have a 200pt unit of 3 sallies and handlers wiped out on a good...
We should count ourselfs lucky, most infantry is getting changed to 10 a box. 16 is a bargain nowadays.
2 power dice and 2 dispel dice, like a normal army. otherwise unfair.
Re: Salamander Tactica Well i'll try to be pre-emptive. Yeah. I just posted the below post on another forum thread. Feel free to add to the real...
Against skirmishers, flyers, large targets tough targets, FAST CAVALRY (especially) and small low armored units, the razordon is superior....
Re: Salamander Tactica I would need the rulebook in front of me to start one, but im at work :(. I might crank it later.
Who doesn't like these? Lizardmen players or their opponents. If the former, then i'd like disagree and say that I prefer them to salamanders. If...
I'm probably going to make a belligerent ass of myself as, but i've got some tweaking in mind; Your army list is below, with tweaks written...
Re: Salamander Tactica This is a really good idea. I reckon we should make on of these, making a Razordon and Salamander tactica will be useful....
You are being tortured because you are playing young, inexperienced or immature players. Not everyone else it like that. If you want to play...
"They are good if you only have a few models but want to play at higher points value games (i.e. 2000+ points)." This is true. Some tournaments...
Another thing to remember... they will fire only when ALL firing models are in range. So if you have skirmishers arranged like this... X X X X X...
Firstly, OP, read -- http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1701&st=0&sk=t&sd=a This is a hotly debated topic, but skirmishers are...
-Drop skink cohorts --Take skink skirmishers (minimum 2 units, but 4 would not be stupid) ---Give the priest on foot cloak of feathers, swap...
If your short on points and can only get one unit. terradons first. razordons next. salamanders last. Do you have enough points for this? 2 units...