Good, but, -Drop a terradon (3 with provided the same function as 4, they are costly) --Drop one (at least) or all of the kroxigors (lots of...
As armies create 2 power dice passively, give one each to both players on the double-team. Then let their casters create their own. (unless one of...
Hi there. greetings. Advise checking the army list section and the various tactica posts.
Yeah, special characters are always made outside of the normal balancing rules. These rules basically work like: statistics + usefulness (within...
Yeah the troops you have are more suited to a 1500 points army. Additonally, you might what to think about taking normal characters. Special...
-Ranked skink with kroxigors are bad. Get units of saurus instead, with spears, 18 strong, 6x3 ranked. --You should have ONE priest, and put him...
Lol I hadn't even looked at the rules for arming them with javelins, wasn' aware that it costs more points. That settles it. Just no.
Hey dude, welcome. I must say checking forums before rabidly buying models (like so many of us do) is a really good idea. Best thing to do is to...
Too many terradons for a decent tournament army composition score. Too many units subject to stupidity for army to be reliable. Your magic isn't...
Far too many points in characters. More than one stegadon is cheesy, especially 2 eotgs. This is based on normal tournament guidelines, not a...
Sup yo
That may be the case, but maths isnt anything. There is always in-game context to consider. For example, skinks are best used to kill fast cav...
Is this post old? Someone said jungle swarms, but they're terrible. You can't even arm skink skirmishers with javelins anymore can you? Anyhow....
Look out for the new Tk book yo. They will prolly make the magic better, and I reckon we can expect them to be able to get a REAL general or at...
Your right about the reforming, but some skink will move close to 6 inches during the reform, inches left ot actually move. And even if you flee,...
I'm better than you because I got S5 shoulders playing cleave 2's. You had to mention wow didn't you...
Yeah, an Eotg and a skink priest with the lance of doom and magical impact hits. This is the combo I made the (perhaps hasty) presumtion you were...
In short, you will only NOT get long range penalties of S&S if they START their charge within 6 inches. Rare, considering you need to be outside...
Yes, I meant the amount of magic, in short. Here, ill edit it. There. They use bound spell basically, and I did mention bound spells....