Work sucks. That lil' puppy made me smile, And im a grump. Ty.
Get the tomb kings army book. Read the magic section of the army book. Work out the saddest, filthiest combination of magic users and items you...
@above Units of skink skirmishers are better than cohorts at moving and shooting and kiting block units. Two units of skinks (140, not 150 points)...
Sweet, thanks for clarification. That is quite handy.
I'm just better than you
Persuing units always go their full distance. This even includes persuing over difficult terrain, and through your own units, just as you go...
cohorts and skirmishers are both designed to die, well. They are there TO: -draw enemy missile fire and magic missiles by presenting themselves as...
eek! special characters! Anyhow, sounds like an absoulte massacre. That is really kinda funny.
If you play me i'll let your stegadon tip-toe mate. If you forfeit your impact hits. No worries...
yes, they have a long range penalty, and yes, when standing and shooting this modifier still applies. yes, this means that when standing and...
An Eotg has one skink priest and 4 skinks, not 5.
Slann - on average better than carnosaurs, on average less classy... saurus with spears - one of if not THE best infantry core units in the game,...
Horned one riders. Normal skinks on non-stupid movement 8 cold ones with poisoned shot bows and non poisioned spears. FAST CAVALRY. Special...
Ok. Heres the deal. For a start, your opponent has two treemen. In tournament he would be severely marked down for his compsition scores, because...
Ranked skink units with kroxigor are too expensive. The skinks in the unit die too easily, giving combat resolution to the enemy. This more often...
Ok, so heres the deal. A properly run tournament with a legitimate army composition ranking will mark you down on comp scores for having two...
Sall good boss, enjoy your games.
Really good. That list should pretty much ream undead a new piehole. Take Fire on your Slann UNLESS he has lots of Black knights or Blood knights...