ok will b goin against my m8s ogers soon so will let u knw how it gets on
cheers for the help dunya do u reckon i sld drop the stegadon 4 more saurus or not
cheers for the help dunya wld love 2 have teradons in the list but dunno what i wld take out 4 them 2 go in plus cant get the model 2 stay whole...
sure u guys know the drill now :) slann- lore of life 430 focus of mystery focused rumination...
this is my new list for throne of skulls all comment and advice welcome slann - lore of life 445 focused ruminatin...
think i will run lore of life thanks for the help dunya will put up a refreshed army list soon
either lore of light or life
hi guys i goin 2 the throne of skulls in march n wanna do well i still preety new n aint played tht many games any advice n comments would be...