Yeah, you have to pay attention to the wording. If it said something like "if successfully cast the target unit gains +2 to its scaly skin save,...
In conclusion Team Performance So, when all the dice had finished rolling, the SQUIG Hoppers had come in… dead last. By quite a distance, being...
James won first turn and the forces of Chaos marched up the board. The Furies on the left hand side fluttered delicately in behind the Fiends who...
Round 5 – Flame On This round the advice from my team mates once more was that Daemons was probably my best match, along with Ogres, so when I...
Tim won the roll for first turn and everything barring the Shades (and possibly the Hydra) moved up and or around. In the Magic phase it was five...
Round 4 – Team Dragon This round we decided to put me forward first again with the hope of being matched up against the Daemon list (which my...
So, I won first turn and moved both Eagles quickly up the flanks with the Dragon Princes on the left and the White Lions on the right not far...
Round 3 – Heroes of Legend Last game of the day and we were starting to think a bit more about the match ups. I think we put my High Elves up...
Winning first turn Owen sent the Steam Tank off round the left side of the hill while the Captain on Pegasus flew out in the direction of the...
Round 2 – The Giant’s Lair After the disaster of the match-ups in round one you’d think we’d have sorted ourselves out for round two. And you’d...
Winning the roll for turn one I advanced my units up the board with the aim of getting better range in subsequent turns for my Archers and Mages....
Round 1 – Dragon Slayers Team B Going into this round we’d all identified the armies we didn’t want to face. For myself I definitely didn’t want...
Army Lists High Elves Arch Mage (General) (Lore of Shadow) - Level 4 - Talisman of Preservation - Silver Wand - Ironcurse Icon Mage (Lore of...
Polish Sausage was a team event run at Maelstrom Games’ Eye of the Storm venue. As with the Swiss Cheese tournament last year it was a European...
Yes, Always Strikes First does exactly what it says on the tin. Charging no longer has anything to do with the order units hit at (although it...
hi folks, Just registered here after discovering that the Pyramid Vault is no more. I'm actually a High Elf player but I generally lurk on most...