Good luck My advice is to use them in threes.225 points in a 2000 point it's is probably about right. With life against skaven cast thrones...
I disagree about the expense of the characters. Unless you are in a tournament who care about probability and numbers, yes you need to have an...
Great list! I think this is the way to play lizzies. I've done something similar but used a truthsayer. The deadwood wand is awesome as is the...
I'm sorry I make your list worth 2644? But I could be wrong. Some questions for you though. How would you set up your mixed spawn? It has to...
An interesting thought. Taking the same law. I've played what I call my life and death list. Two Slaan one with life in the TG the other death...
You will be pleased to know you are wrong. It is not really a breath weapon. If you read the book I haven't got mine with me at the mo but I...
Hi nice list but very come and get me. If you have lore of life though then you don't need the cupped hands, use vines instead. Have you thought...
Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! high elves keep smashing me HELP!! Sorry I shouldn't be so flippant. I don't know elves that well in terms of points...
Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! high elves keep smashing me HELP!! Check his army book for points value of his army list. :)
Hi, I've used it with TG Slaan and Gor Roc. Use light for offence. Cast time warp the magic turn before you intends to charge, it lasts until...
Here's one I prepped some time ago. :) Lord Had-Rad-Dur is a relatively young, almost impetuous Slaan Mage Priest, if there ever could be such...
I agree, light for offensive, life for defensive. Salamanders when used properly are real winners, as is a a use these to get in on the...
Hi On the FAQs doesn't it say that Slaan can't use flying carpets?