Okay thanks! I'm pretty new to the game so it's always great to have some help.
I'm a noob so I'm only playing 1000-point games right now, but why are most high-level games 2250 as opposed to 2000?
Terradons aren't really there just to drop rocks... much more commonly they're harassers - march blocking, charging fleeing units, etc....
What are some good tactics vs. vamps in general? That's mostly what I'll be playing in the coming months, so a little tactica might give me a boost :)
You may wanna try and sneak in that 5 points somewhere. Like novo said, perhaps an enchanted shield or a glyph. And I say keep the salamander +...
Depending on how heavily you are going to be using the skinks you might want to consider a BSB. Besides, having another Scar-Vet in an army can be...
How about the zombie marshes of Tilea? There is Skavenblight, but you could say your 'zards are an ancient watchpost against the vile ratmen or...
And his pure stats are identical to a Scar-Vet. His SS save is one better, but IMHO he isn't really worth his points, unless it's a big game and...
Thanks all! I did know about the magical banner rule, I just wasn't sure about the shield.
I know this is kind of a nooby question, but can a shield go with a Saurus BSB? It wasn't stated explicitly so I thought I better check before I...
Personally I'm just disappointed with the Bestigors... a point more expensive than Saurus and with one less attack? Gonna have to give me more...
What about Skink BSBs vs. Saurus BSBs? Skinks are quite obviously cheaper, but is there anything else? Especially in 1000pt games (mostly what I...
First post! Been following the forum for a while now, finally got myself some minis. This is my first ever army list so it'll need some serious...