oop, sorry, misread it late night @>@;;
invalid option. skirmishers can't get musicians. only have the option for a brave (oh joy, BS4)
I'm new to GW paints, so I don't know the names... white undercoat might look good for more 'bright' colors, especially if a light pink/peachy...
I'm doing an odd one, getting two battallion boxes. Then another two boxes of saurus to round out my unit sizes. and two boxes of skinks, one...
mmm, steg in a unit of temple guard. Man, I think you'll start attracting stone thrower rounds from the games AROUND yours. :D I've jokingly...
uh... chaos black under coat khemri brown base color ?catachan? green wash for the back scales. or might have been catachan green drybrushes...
ooh, will need to remember that. personally, I consider it if they're costing me 16 points, I better get stubborn and immune to psych >.<
hmmm, suppose I might ponder tossing musicians in my 5 man Cold one Rider packs. Pity skink skirmishers can't get 'em =D
not sure how long that will be, waffling between painting the two units of skirmishers fully, or getting a box of saurus with the next purchase,...
having two roomies who rock at photo manip >.> it was taken against a piece of white paper. but was taken under very yellow light. hence the...
update! better color correction to get more natural colors!
when I get the unit painted (not likely to next month) I'll get some pics of them as a squad. Thanks for the comments though ^^
I think I need to give them a second wash, and then more aggressive dry brushing. But I'll keep this unit a bit more 'plain' and the second half...
here we go, my first figure, a skink brave to lead a pack of skirmishers. Pretty pleased, but hope later units will have more contrast between...
well, I have my first test skink brave, I'll see about tossing a pic on later when I can get a picture
won't say I'm heavy metal class. heck, I'm probably not even light metal class =D but want to use this as a way to improve my painting, and...
Huh, I find myself with maybe 500 points of heroes in most of my 2k lists. But I have a suspicion I may need more actually. Thankfully I'll...
sounds a little silly, but how close to you have to get for WYSIWIG on models. I know you can fudge a small percent of weapons (say, stick a few...
thank you. hope to get some pics of my figures once I get the paints and everything. Right now I have the books and two skinks. woo! But next...
I'll be getting 20 from the two battallion boxes I'm getting. will probably use it as a block of twenty with slann. mostly trying to 'collect'...