true. I'll probably end up just having some interesting looking blocks of skinks and just use the kroxi models sans skink target practice for...
only time I could see not giving spears is a small block like 10-12, and even then it could help. suppose I could always make the two blocks of...
... heh, suppose at this point, I'll probably make two blocks of twenty spear saurus and three blocks of 10 'hammer' units. can always make some...
best of luck!
true, and razordons for amusement. =D will eventually have a saurus block style army with a slann and the pack of skinks crazyness army for fun....
oh, I suspect they're not worth it. but it'll be a cool looking army. Anceint stego priest, priest w/ cloak of feathers. maybe a skink BSB with...
I usually felt anything over 6 wide was typically overkill... then again, that'd be 160 MM. most forces are... 100 mm if regular sized. 125 if...
gets me a question actually. all the pictures show the skinks going 'past' the kroxigor to surround them. do you have to do that? or could you...
I'm going to fool around with a couple blocks of 16 and 2 kroxis with full command. but thinking of having those as the 'core' units for a skink...
been a couple years since I played, and never got fully into fantasy before. But I loved the rules, and finding myself between 3 GW stores means...
So I'm a fairly new WHFB player who hasn't played in a few years. got the new lizardman book, and 7th, reading through it. Have planned a series...