The easiest list that wins is this : scar veteran jaguar 3X10 skinks 3 salamanders Though.. the salamanders wont be so good in 7th as they are...
As promised, I'dd post the outcome. 2 Draws agains 2 vampire players. We'll thats good enough for me already :P The first list was something...
Hmm i'm thinking about rushing the jaguar in anyways. Only because it's his last time he can shine on a tournament :P Dropping the skink with the...
Welcome and enjoy the place ;) HK
question : How do you make such a nice base? Your models are absalutely stunning! HK
There arent new moddels for salamanders. There are the razardon however. just hit google for them
@ gannon, nope mate, im dutch. But i often play in Belgium. It's the full tilt tournament. for more info :P...
I heard you can still get more sallys in 1 unit. I'm guessing that you can indeed, shoot in multiple directions. HK
There really isnt alot we can do against it. But still, what do we do with most large targets? That's right. Poisen em to death. ^^ If your...
these are old. there from the lustria release ;)
no the new book isnt out yet, but its rumored that the 2th rank will get 2 attacks. And who cares for the -1 armour safe? the scaly skin is going...
A lizardmen battalion box wil always do fine for a small starting force. The new one contains, the book, temple guard, saurus warriors, saurus...
digging up this topic. :P Shooting down a keeper of secrets in turn 1. My slann who puched a charging black of from his wyvern in combat made me...
thx for the nice welcome everyone :D
Indeed. At the moment saurus arent popular. As a matter of fact.. almost nobody uses them :P GW is trying to get them back in the game. Saurus...
From warseer : Lizardmen army book rumours The book is out febuary 9th 2009 and is 104 pages long. It is not known who is writing it. New...
Hiya peeps. In about 2 weeks ill be playing in the fuull tilt tournament in belgium. It already has 140 players as we speak. From what i saw on...
Hey people. I was googling for something related to lizardmen, can't remember what exactly, and i bumbed into this forum. I've been looking for a...