As far as Skinks versus a hydra.. the hydra will still have to fail a 4+ scaley save and a 4+ regeneration save to be wounded the odds are not in...
I think by Mundane, games worshop is referring to all non magical weapons
but Codex is so much easier to say than Army Book... :D
Yeah cupped hands is 45, I think bane head is 15 and 25 for each stone
It was a joke as to why the chaos black paint container wasn't white so that you can see the paint in it
Our nearest is about 4-5 hours.. thankfully we have FLGS that stock warhammer and provide tables to play on.
It was about 8 years ago, my friends played 40k and convinced me to buy into it, so I got some Tyrannids and played that for a while, after a...
Oh wow, I had no idea of that rule... So, does that mean that the Temple Guard is testing on their leadership and not the Slann's for stubborn?
Since I am not sure how new you actually are, here is the extended edition. After every round of combat you try to determine who won or lost the...
Yeah, I also like to run my important stegadon close to my general to feed off of the higher LD.
I am 98% sure that you can cast non magic missiles into combat unless it says otherwise in the spell description of course.. As for the Tomb...
Oh I am not advocating taking Hornet Blade, But putting your Old Blood in contact with an assassin is a calculated risk, he is going first unless...
Hey you can only ever roll 1 ward save, if you unit is giving 2 ward saves for what ever reason, you only roll the best one once. It is in the BRB
You might get killing blowed by the Assassin, and a 5+ ward save is certainly not the kind of odds I like to base my General's life on
Or if you used or 4 dice you can still make the roll and miscast, I can see your argument.
I was joking about taking an army very similar to this just earlier this week, though I think I had a old blood on a carn and 2 engines. I think...
that is rather silly, shouldn't you only have to declare a charge reaction if the charge is within range?
Yeah it is silly, but what can you do!! I am dishing out 30 US each, that is about 35-40 canadian.. Mostly because our gaming store doesn't get in...
Well in the profile for most skinked units, it says jungle poisons, but if you look at jungle poisons in the section where it explains how to rank...
This is a friendly game played on the ping pong table in my basement, for the most part I will try and remember this debacle.. I am relatively...