My friend tells me that bearers do have a 5+ ward, but they also get a 4+ regen if they have a herald. So salamanders are not the easy choice I...
That would be nice, I haven't actually played FB before, or read the daemons book.
I should add at this point that my first game would be against Daemons, with a large number of plaguebearers. I was worried that the sallys would...
Thanks. What's a good Saurus unit size for this level? 15? I know I need 5 per rank for the bonus, which is why I figured I would beef them up to...
Hero - "Skank," level 2 Wizard plaque of tepok, diadem of power (runs with the skink unit) Core - 20 Saurus, HW/S, Full command 12 skinks,...
By "cohort," do you mean ranked-up 5-point skinks?
Well played! Congratulations!
I'm building a 1,000-point force of lizards, the plan so far is two 20-man saurus units, a stegadon, and a skink priest. In 40K we almost always...
I've ordered my first lizard unit but I have no army book yet. Even the 8th edition rule book hasn't shown up. I've read a bit online and it...