im poundering sclupting a base for mine actually (grey stuff ftw) then again, it fits with my theme o.0 (ashes/lava)
woa, i`ll try to beat that ;), im working a lot lately so I can`t really paint much (silly animals being sick and wounded and all -_-)
Amen to that ;)
any updates on the flesh hounds sallies?
heheh neat idea i already started my magma/ashes theme so far :) my friend started playing with the bloodsucking though i`ll tell him about the...
yea thats my big problem, i`m too much of a perfectionist to do speed painting lol
hehe thanks :)
part two of the skink :P still not finished, but its starting to look like what i want :) still need some minor touchup here and there, the...
I decided to post my first skink here... it`s a major WIP (yes, really...) and keep in mind i have not touched a single brush since.... more than...
.... I just had to google the Necron hello Kitty... I mean... I just HAD to... now i'll have nightmares ;)
Oooooo lovely (both the DA and yours ^^) Im starting to play with some ideas around here my self (using frames as tests and all) i'm getting close...
Yea, i read a bit more of the history side in the book now (since I actually got the book very recently) I`m still pondering maybe using a ruined...
So, I finally got some color schemes ideas and all, but i'm thinking of doing a theme with my army and i dont know what really, I wanted to do a...
hehe 5 isnt that bad, I can always be all teenage girl and act this way : OMG, have you seen the new twilight trailer? like.... wow......
woa... your right I sound like some crappy teenage girl... mwahhaha
nah, im pretty crappy for painting, even though I just do that (then again im perfectionist :S) so I`ll see hehe Model have SO much more colours...
I'm going to buy a box for the paint soon (since we're going to be 3 people using it, with diff armies, its actually cheaper to get the box hehe)...
Sorry for the very noob-ish question but, are musician really worth it for lizardmens? (someone told me it wasn't so worth it, but i'm not too...
Hi everyone! So, I've been lurking in the world the War Hammer since years, but honestly never started playing or even buying a army per say (I...