Hey Caneghem, the only problem i see is that the Jaguar Charm and the Venom of Firefly are both Enchanted Items. Other than that looks good!...
And speaking of my 1 sally... For 80 skink eating points i'm thinking of dropping it for another unit of 11 skirmishers or maybe some magic items...
My combat list has a Skink Chief on Ancient Steg w/ War Spear and BSB. My Magic list has two Slanns one w/ BSB. Either way the units they are w/...
Are you looking for a list for the Ard Boyz tourney? If so i think the Jaguar charm will have a hard time getting off when and where you need it....
Thanks for the info and the time it took to post! After reading it seems like two Slann are better. I have a list i'm building similar to the...
I've got three Kroxies and sometimes i run them separate and sometimes w/ skink buddies. I like the idea of the mixed unit. I like the guarantee...
Ok, i decided to focus more on magic defense than offense and a bunch of hard hitting units. Remember Ard Boyz. No points deduct for comp or...
Forgot about regeneration, good point. And my second army is DE's, how'd i miss that one?! Even the Slann has an option for regen. For...
Right. Blade of Revered Tzunki. Looked one too high in the codex, thanks. I actually had the BBoC as an potion in an earlier list, with bane...
Hello all, i wasn't sure wether to put this into tactics or lists so i flipped a coin! Here's my Old Blood Carny build: Carnosaur Light Armour...
Deployment and Movement are key. More than key, if either are poor, you're doomed. I've played EoTG a few times and have only ever charged one...
You're right, magic banners can only be carried by the BSB. I was confused by the "common magic items" heading. But the War Banner is a magic...
I keep playing around with my Hard Boys list. I was Slann and magic heavy, then decided i didn't want to rely so much on the winds of magic. As...
Looks like a good start! Lizards are a blast, who doesn't like dinos anyway? I've never used the blade of realities, but it sounds cool. Let...
I don't know about smacking the Black Dragon so easy. Oldblood has 5 WS6, Str5 Attacks. Black dragon has WS6, T6. So... Hitting on 4's = 2.5...
OK, I play LM and DE. The armour is only against non-magical attacks. Both the 3 War Spear Attacks and ALL 2D6+1 impact hits are counted as...
Just remember the skink has to be within 24" of the Slann to be able to channel. I remembered that the hard way... :oops:
Just a few thoughts... Carnosaur Pendant is redundant w/ carnosaur as the mount already has the frenzy rule and the rider will get the same...
It's a tough decision really. I generally agree that COR are more durable and nasty on the charge. But they are stupid. 14" maybe, or 12"...
Exactly what i was thinking. Thank you for spelling it out! I have found that sticking around in CC is a terrible coice for anyone on top of a...