Nah, it's a Hero on a pegasus. But that could work. The Ring of Hotek: Any Wizard (friend or foe) attempting to cast or target a spell within...
I use them as 1 base units, just to put of advances and hit something with high toughness for one attack. But i do tend to take them less often...
I managed to pin a Bloodthirster down with temple guard, tempted by the fact a Slann was in there, and pelted him, and all the other nearby...
Really, i didn't think about that. So a mounts frenzy carries onto the rider?
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My Carny finally did some Carnage!!!! It was against Chaos Mortals (Or is it Chaos Warriors). I didn't realize you could put a Carnosuar into a...
Ok here's some more info on the other player, from what i can remember. He always takes the ring against me. Sometimes on a lord fighter, with...
Ok, me a few friends decided to start a little campaign were we all make a 2500 pt army and have a series of battle, once against each other, and...
I was just talking to a friend of mine about if that would be possible, it sounds pretty tough!
Ok they guy i play against is a veteran and his new book is tough (especially that damn ring!). I've started to learn to use their hatred against...
It seems stupid to put a item on a character that makes the enemy cav fear them, when they already cause fear (or terror) due to the mount.
Yeah, but the problem is warmachines, everyone is scared of the steg and carnosuar and so they take a lot of them, the most feared for me being...
Wow i can't believe i missed that they aren't large tgt anymore, that will make a big difference. And yeah i know that they can soak up shots,...
I thought that any unit only got 1 extra attack from the second rank with spears, even saurus?
I normally Face Dark Elfs, Orks, Empire and Daemons. With the exception of the daemons, my Carnosaur quickly becomes a giant dead pin cushion,...
I had a battle against one, i managed to hold it up with a temple guard unit, and slann, and kept blasting away with a engine of the gods and the...
I threw around the ideas you guys posted and it looks like we're gonna try a combo of these two. "if you hit a friendly unit and would end up...
Two of them. First, just because it was funny, i still lost. A comet of cassandora, cast on first turn, turned up on turn six, 30 inch radius!...
Ok i had a 3k battle V's Ork's last night, the two main issues that came up were; 1: When doing a "reform" move, in the book it state "keep the...