I thought frenzied units have to charge if there is LOS, not only if they can. Lol, after playing against orks for the last year, I think there...
I was just referring to the rule that says you have to be an inch away, so yeah, somewhere between 1-2 inches
You can direct any/all/some attack/s at a enemy model in base to base contact with you char.
Yeah, when i started warhammer i used a Tomb Kings army, and a Wood Elf player used to do that until we cleared it up.
The magic res (1) replaces the dispel dice.
1. I agree. 2. If the friendly unit wasn't blocking complete line of sight but got in the way of the charge, then think it would be a failed...
Is says "goes through ranks of the target in the same way as missiles from a bolt Thrower", not "does wounds exactly like a bolt thrower", so it...
That the way I've always played too.
You can't see through 2 inches, so no, one would have to move up to 1 inch then the other would charge. But, in the generals compendium, i...
it seems pretty obvious to me that it would, what would be the other reason for stating it? I use Army builder and that's what it does on that.
I was told that you had to have you standard bearer facing the enemy unit to gets its +1 CR, is this true?
So is your point that the same place is contradicting itself?
lol nice. At first I didn't realize that the lizardmen were blue, just heard a bit of their storyline and liked the idea of bluey alieny lizards.
from what i could tell that post was dated 18-02-2008, this one http://samuraigunslinger.com/2008/10/28 ... en-rumors/ is dated October 28,...
i agree to, from what i heard the new lore that the slann get is supposed to justify their magic ability.
I agree, isn't 5 one of the magic unit sizes, 1 more has to die for a panic test
I like most of the new changes, even the downgrading. I will almost always take a flaming attack, so probably will keep the sali's no matter...
yeah, i guess, but in most "fantasy" based fiction cold blooded is portrayed as "blue skinned"
Razordon's fire little barbs, the rumor is they are the new artillery dice attack, using two dice if they don't move. Salamanders maybe getting a...
I think of them as being blue because they're kinda an alien race, so maybe it was to make look a little "alien" to the world. My friend had a...