I.... did not know that. Uh oh... I gotta go redo some lists.
Why is one of ur Saurus units under Special?
I recently tested my 1k army against my friend's DE 1k. He had: General - Lokhir Felhart Sorceress Master Corsairs hiding an assassin Dark...
My Ogre army has bits of other guys all over with blood all around. If you mix blood red with modeling sand, it looks like chunks. Also, for the...
I do it afterwards, simply because I like the natural look of unpainted sand.
I really like it though. Can't wait to see it painted. Do you do the standard blue lizardmen, or do you use another color?
My simple, quick set up is: After everything on your model is dry... 1. Paint the base Graveyard Earth. 2. Use Elmer's glue and spread it over the...
Looks great! this angle looks almost like he's licking the blade.
3 more Krox 3 Salamanders 1 Priest
Cheaper chameleons, Slann Lore being mainly offense spells, Cold Ones that look like the Dark Elves'.
Much better than the current model, IMO. Definitely a step up. I've been running to GW all week buying the OG Krox because I don't like the new...
.... I'm sorry.
One thing you gotta remember about your rooster is... don't get cocky. Haha... oh, man. I just broke my oath of silence for that crappy joke. I...