very nice job, have me thinking of redoing my shields to that great color purple
Congratulations and good luck on your future endeavors, I am sure you will do well.
Edited out Shield of Aeons Mace of Ulamak Cold-Blooded 4+ Scaly Skin Stubborn Resilient
Very nice job, good basing as well. Looking forward for your next project.
Good job on all. I like the gray, green, and blue in that order.
Re: Div's Lizards! I like the colors on the steg (think I found how I will model mine now). The basing is great as well. Very good job.
Very good work, the scales are nicely done. I like how you did the wood on the mace. The eyes look EVIL.
I am very superstitious. I like to roll RED dice - the color of blood (hopefully not lizard blood!) I play to much with the calculations and the...
Simple answer - no they do not. Questions concerning skirmishers can be found on page 65 - 67 of of main rule book.
I modeled my skinks after the green anole. Here are my skinks....
Re: Ghost lizards That is a very neat way to do ghosts and it looks sort of simple also.
I like it, very good work. You did a great job at weathering the rocks and the base is done nicely as well.
Rules for stegadons on page 54 and 55 of Lizardman Army book.
"grinding the gears" or "jump" - "jumping" but the old standby swear words seem to me to work the best
List massacared the O@G, marginal victory against dwarven gunline, and was massacared by wood elves (dryads shake skinks like little babies). New...
Sort of new, a friend got me into this already have a large amount of skinks, saurus, temple gaurd, COC, one slan, and one steg. Have a few...
Newbie here so bear with me. Going against Orc and Goblin, Wood Elves, and Dwarves Skink Priest (level 2) Plaque of Tepok - 115 Skink Priest...