Bah. I have very little interest in 40K Space Marines at the moment, so you'll have to forgive not being up on the gen on this. I quite liked...
Yeah, screen shot that didn't come out right. But a girl turning up to a convention in a Space Marine outfit is still pretty cool.
I think I have all of them bar bottom left and and bottom middle tbh. Top right - M Top middle - PP Top right - B&B Middle left - TtT Middle...
Trying to reinspire myself to complete my Deathshrieker Rockets and Magma Cannon, so I can start putting my K'Daai Destroyer together.
Thanks, but as I thought I mentioned in the lead-up, I was doing this with a friend of mine who is a fantastic artist. My ideas, her creation....
Really awesome you're playing and painting with you son, meneer. Nice one.
The swirling effect is amazing Suds!