GAAAAAAAAGH Not posting at my normal speed has me feeling kind of antsy... Part 1 should finish today. Part 2 is taking longer. Dammit. Dammit....
This is great work mate. Nice one!
And I got my friend to help me with photos of the Chaos Siege Giant: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Great work! Definitely include the Tzeentch. We welcome painting of all models.
Thanks! Yeah, I used Mordant Earth. I liked the effect so much on my Fireborn bases and then it suddenly hit me that this is the way I can make a...
Welcome to Jurassic Park! May I be the first to congratulate you on your choice of army ;) and I love the grand army plans! Make sure you check...
One vote is gonna be tough...
Well, here's hoping for a recovery Tk. I solidly hope he pulls through.
Nice one!
As always, thanks a lot for the back-up guys. It makes a big different to keeping going when I get positive feedback from the site :D Thanks buddy!
So the contest of Chaos Dwarfs Online is over. I didn't get any medal, but I got an honorable mention as I was very close behind the three...
This is great work.
I WANT ONE. @Tk'ya'pyk
I love it. Nice conversion work.
Awesome! Do it, do it, do it! Legal Disclaimer: This posting has no affiliation with Darth Sidious and in no way represents the viewpoint of a...
.... when you really appreciate someone ensuring a dino is reunited with it's owner :D
This deserves a clap. What a great conversion for the Khemric Titan!
For now my friend... only for now.
Oh wow. Let us know how this goes!