I may have a second as well depending on timelines...
Love the Cyclopes.
UPDATE: 1 is done! Chaos Siege Giant completed! 2 is done! Chaos Siege Giant painting completed! 3. Now onto the Destroyer... but this won't be...
Thanks guys. Your words mean a lot to me. :)
My version is toasted white bread, butter, peanut butter and then honey mixed into the peanut butter.
Yeah... not a fan to be honest.
Thanks buddy! All glory to the Father of Darkness! Exactly. I've got a couple of little bits to finish on other in-progress models and then I'm...
Don't be speechless, get some more tanks happening signore! :D
I think I'm gonna call this guy a done now as I want to move on to other projects (and I will hardly ever use this guy as he is a sub-par list...
This sounds pretty good.
Aw man... This one is sooooooo good. It's rare that I do a genuine laugh-out-loud on memes, but this one did it.
How do you do the eyes?
Grazie signore! So, I'm going to dry-brush the majority Hashut Copper, but keep in enough black to make it look dark and sinister, rather than...
Awesome proxy idea!
Second layer of black primer done and painted the chains (didn't work with Nuln Oil, just kept dripping off, so I did watered down Abaddon Black)....