whats the black ark?
not sure if this is gonna be any good see wot u guys think. Skink Chief (General) - Ancient Stegadon - Stegadon War-Spear = 380 Skink Priest -...
see thats cuz ur underestimate them being a fellow ratman i kno wot secrets we hold.. so prepare for more shocks :P
noooo we want dragons in skaven!! that or a doomwheel will keep me happy
nah my names fulgrim_66613 on libarium
ahhhhhh ok thanks :)
im building a 2000pt army of skinks!
dont forget the salamanders there a must i think :)
best god damn army going! they need a dragon tho, im thinking like a mechanical dragon im sure the skyre engineers can cook one up
Im a skaven player originally since i was a kid im threw n threw skaven i live eat n breath skaven lol i usto work in GW liverpool like 5 yrs ago,...
innit, as long as the kroxigors get in jobs a gooden im so glad someone else is using skins n kroxigors everywhere iv lookd on the internet says...
do u mean battle standard bearer, how is he ur standard it doesnt say anywhere that he can be?
mine are 8 skinks wide lol
thats wot i as thinking, im thinking 24 skints and 3 kroxigors with full command... lets face it, if that charges a unit of urm lets say chaos...
in wot way? u get a screen for ur kroxigors n u get more attacks in close cambat?
im voting kroxigors i havnt seen anyone on the internet so far using them in there army lists... personally i love them! n im thinking about...
im new to lizardmen n im lookin at makin a 2000 pts army list atm n i am wondering wether its worth taking skink & kroxigor units for my core...