I got to use this list for the first time Monday night and went up against my bud who plays Ogres. Highlights - I one shot his giant with my old...
Just an FYI - our youtube channel has been updated a few days ago with a siege battle between my lizardmen versus dark elves. Afterwards, I saw...
I think you'll be okay at 1000 without magic. It was something I basically did in one game as my skink priest got ran off in like the first turn....
Hiya! I'm rather new myself to the forums and to LM as well (about 4 months I guess). I'm not sure how much advice I can give, but I will say I...
Thanks for the warm welcome! Hope everyone is having an excellent day. I've just recently started painting my army and wow it is far more time...
Actually realized today that I wasn't taking into account that the enchanted shield is more points for LM. So I will have to adjust to the...
Those in a howdah get a +3 armor save in a regular steg and an ancient provides a +2.
We have had a streak of miscasts in our games recently. Until the DE vs HE game that was put up over the weekend, we were like 80% miscasts. Mine...
Thanks! Yeah, I'm looking forward to trying out the list. I think it is going to be a bunch of fun. The saurus are all sword and board. I prefer...
Howdy! In a few weeks I am going to be playing in a mini-tourney with friends in the area that play. It will be about six of us total I believe....
A couple of weeks ago, several of my friends in the area that play Warhammer all decided to start a campaign in the Border Princes area. While...
Hi Everyone! I got into Warhammer in earnest about 3-4 months ago and by the Will of the Old Ones choose Lizardmen as my first army. I'd been...