Greetings everyone! Pseudo-new member to this site (see my introduction post), posting my second-first army list here. I've been out of the...
Niltze, or "Hello" in Aztec Lustrian (Okay, so I googled that, and not very throroughly, so it's probably wrong. Also, I'm not Aztec in any way.)...
The rules for the Diadem of Power state that "The wizard my save up to two of his own unused power dice...." (emphasis added by me) By this I...
Hi guys, First time poster (apart from the introductory forum) so be kind. ;) I wanted to put my army list up here for some comments and...
Hi there guys, I'm a long time gamer who mostly plays 40k, but who enjoys a game of WFB from time to time. I'm currently working on my Lizardmen...