Warbanner is only +1 to combat res. Lots of other ways, I think to ensure an extra wound on the enemy for less than 25 points, I think. Most of...
I have a major deadline at work this week, so no time for sculpting until Thursday (and I worked all day Sunday too - blah!), but just wanted to...
Thanks guys! Been a busy week for me, so I am only getting around to posting an update now. Looking forward to reading any comments over the...
Re: Totzro's paintlog - Update 20/11 - Unit filler Wow, where's that model from?
Not a major update, but here's where I'm at with this now: [attach] The hand on the branch came out a little fatter than it should have and I'll...
The plural of Kroxigor IS probably Kroxigors, when you consider that the name itself is an amalgamation of the words Crocodile and Ogre. I...
Don't feel bad. I can't seem to read most Capcha's either :)
1) If you do that, why? 2) Let us know how it works out!
It wasn't when I stocked up, back in the 90's when I had a small miniatures company. Now, with China buying up all the metal in sight, yeah.*...
No need for a separate thread really. The process is simply to make an impression of the base in a silicone mold using the normal methods for...
DanBot, I own the old Slann on a plannequin model, so I'll definitely have to convert that (and use the bearers as additional temple guard). If I...
I agree that they probably hatch from eggs in the spawning pools, but I don't see why they'd end up male or female as a result. I imagine there...
Really love those models and your paint job looks pretty realistic. Are these for a cohort? How do these colors match/contrast with your skinks?...
Incredible work, and your bases are truly fantastic. Are they custom made?
n810 - I'll see what I can to. Measuring this all out is going to be a brain twister :) Lazoxoatl - that's magnificent! I would have cut off...
Absolutely keep those photos coming, and here's a vote, FWIW, in favor of colorful armies. I personally do not think your Terradon is too orange...
Re: Yet to be names Lizardmen army! Thanks for pointing me to Hydra miniatures - looks like a great company on the rise! Those little guys would...
pity about the camera focus there... I am planning to mount a siege tower on top of a toy snapping turtle (if I ever get to the point in my...
Hey guys, thanks for all the comments. Been a rather busy and stressful week for me, so I haven't had much time to update or post more photos...
Thanks DanBot, this unit is turning out to be a lot of fun to make and I'm happy with the results so far. Looking forward to using them in a game...