Re: The army of Tsunami (FINISHED scar vet! 20/10) Great work man! Not a huge fan of the pinks, but it's your army so paint it however you like...
Hey, welcome to the Liazard Club! Everything looks great and I'm stoked that there is another person on there converting stuff with Greenstuff!...
Well thanks for those kind words :) On the down side, doing an army this way is taking a long time, but I have about 2000 points to play with...
This project is proceeding ahead quickly, so expect a lot of updates. When we left off, the gas sacks were being sculpted and there was no left...
I am working on having 2 units of 7 painted. Not sure if I will ever do a 3rd unit, when I can get 3 terradons for the same price and increase my...
OK, this is good to know. Noting that in addition to its magical properties, the Charmed Shield still give you the protection of a normal shield...
Just a quick 2 cents on this - in my opinion it is well worth the points and better overall to are your skirmishing skinks with javelins, as they...
On the subject of not using the javelin in CC, this is why you only get the jungle poisons when shooting. Believe me, I'd love to auto-wound on...
Nice work guys! Stewart, if that's the level you paint at when you go fast and aren't satisfied, we are in for some great stuff in the future!...
Perhaps I can help...I played Empire exclusively for about 2 years, although in a prior edition. All gunpowder weapons in WH are supposed to be...
What item is that? I generally take the Channeling Staff when I don't intend to play defensively in the magic phase.
The Testors Aztek (aka, the "Azcrap"). Frankly I am starting to like my Badger airbrush better. O.k., so on to a totally random conversion,...
Yeah, anything you learn that could be of use should be shared, thanks!
Re: The army of Tsunami (WIP mounted scar veteran 15/10) This guy is going to rock when you have him painted - looking forward to seeing the results!
I don't know how many ML, because I don't know how much paint is in your dried up bottle. Fill about a quarter of the available space in the...
That's a cool conversion. If he can lift that thing we're all in a lot of trouble! :)
Yep, that's basically what I did too and I'm very happy with the results.
I will add my 2 cents here, as most of my paint pots are at least 10 years old and still in use. Add a mixture of 60% distilled water and 40%...
Hardly useless when stacked with the -1 skirmishers get and the -1 for chameleon camouflage. If I can get my Chamos into cover my opponents won't...
Thanks guys :) Tsunami, I'm with you on the shield comment. I am not 100% satisfied either. It't actually a maroon color, with darker browns...