I love the build, but what's the point of the Carnosaur Pendant on the Oldblood? The core rulebook says that frenzy effects the rider and mount,...
Is it viable in an army over 2000 points to limit yourself to just dispelling magic and what the priest/eotg offers? I guess it boils down to...
I suspected as much... thanks for the rule listing.
Quick question I couldn't find an answer to.. Can the same magical banner be taken more than once? I would assume not.. just checking.
Yeah I realize that 8" is slightly above average.. It was just disappointing.. the one time the stega actually got into close combat though it...
I finished a match against a tomb king army the other day.. and maybe it's just how things went, but my Engine of the Gods was a severe offensive...
Well I messed him up.. battle report later.
What can I do to prevent getting it OMGWTFBBQd right out of the gate?
Good to know.. I need to get the terradons.. I really want them to help deal with the heirophant.. but until then I'll have to make due. So I...
Yeah EotG seems pretty awesome.. Is it worth fielding a chief on foot?
Thanks for all the advice so far.. I really appreciate it. I'm going to try and play a game tonight with him. I've got about 1500 points...
No.. you guys are right.. all very good points.. I forgot entirely that the TKs are unbreakable.. Sorta makes the banner pointless.. Would be good...
I suppose it's fair to say it's primarily designed to fight anyone.. but my most common opponent will be Tomb Kings. I have a friend that has a...
Gotcha... what was that last part though.. about dealing with the Heirophant/Lich/King/Prince? I hear the best way of dealing with TK is to cut...
That was amazing. Is there rep? Cuz that was worth it. I'll spend some time with my lizard book tonight when I get home and design something....
I guess what my biggest question is, is what Focus (I know that's not the right word... It starts with a D and he can choose one for free) should...
Hey there, I suppose introductions are in order. I go by Titan, and I'm pretty new to Fantasy Battle. I have played 40k and Bloodbowl - which I...