And they said in an announcement they were not going to reprint them until later after they do their next project, so could be a few years before... all of it to paint. When I got an airbrush I stripped my lizards and then kinda fell out with the game. So I have...
Whelp, time to start painting again. Got a reason to finish my old models now.
It wouldn’t be too difficult to remake saurus warriors and skinks and chameleons. They did half the work with the bloodbowl models, just gotta...
Like I tell my opponents when they try to correct me, “don’t you mean Seraphon?” With a snide smirk. I’ve been calling them lizardmen for over 20...
The old ‘eavy metal paint style that the studio artists used really hid all the fine details. It gives me hopes for any new resculpts seraphon May...
I picked these up on a whim during the New Years sale at the lgs. I never paid much attention to them because the models on the box art seemed...
they are slow and most lists run 1 or 2 giant blocks of troops. So in the scenarios where they have to be in many places at once they struggle....
They aren’t. They forfeit half the tournament scenarios by default because of the nature of their army. Enjoy them as much as you want guilt free....
Ugh. I want to play it but don’t want to build and paint a hundred more skinks.
It’s been working for me. The trick is being able to do that while capping objectives and being able to deal with the other 10 common armies in...
Sucks being the oldest book fighting the newest book but thems the breaks. Gotta be old cagey and downright dirty to win. Don’t play their game,...
Closest we have is saurus knights. Take a large unit, buff them and then let the cold ones do 60 attacks hitting on 3s, re-rolling 1s, with...
yep. You see an OBR army across the table from you, start playing solitaire. Stall them and get max points and hope it’s enough to win. Don’t...
been playing obr a lot lately. Here is my thoughts. OBR is a hard counter to slaneesh so until it completely hates slaneesh out of the the...
sounds Like a good meta for my 4 slann endless spell spam list :D Im kinda serious. Maybe kroaknado with slann and double eotg support? Either...
I wish they would get rid of all of it. It was one of the things that drove people away from fantasy. They never should have added it to AOS.
Lol GW has always been copiers. The only difference between any other mini company and them is they pretend to get all offended and claim...
Lol Yeah they are a little broken. they were just examples of the kinds of effects I would like to see. I do feel like our spells should be pushed...
I just want our spells to be unique and fluffy. Too many factions have spells that are copies of others. If I was making a spell lore for the...