Yeah I think that would be a good idea as well. I was worried about keeping the slann alive as my summons is how I expect to hold objectives most...
Was playing around with lists and thought I would try a variation of the list I Took to a few GTs a couple years back. Doesn’t have all the...
Yep. The faction that hates melee combat and focuses only on shooting cant shoot, and the saurus warriors bred for combat over millennia cant...
I think it would be pretty neat if they gave more options. So one mode could drop rocks and put movement penalties on things and be repeatable...
Yeah that looked like a carno tail.
I wish they would just make everyone real again. It would fix so many issues with stuff like that. Make up some stuff about how the slanns knew...
I managed to get through that massive thread and I have been looking at the lists people are making this year. It seems odd to me that people are...
I am coming back after over a year hiatus to playing, and I have no idea where to start. I was kinda following after all the gh18 changes, but...
Was this an isolated incident or a problem with forgeworld us in general? I was planning on ordering a dread saurian, but if it takes almost a...
Sadly I do not believe it would prove to be that strong even then. They are expensive for what they bring. They only have 1 wound, arent that...
I have never been disappointed by any of our units when it comes to attacking. I hate how everything is a glass cannon. I’d like a tougher save on...
Nothing against Slanns but I hate being forced to play slann lists. Bloodclaw was unique for the time when everyone got to use their command...
I believe that is part of why his list performed so well. He was focused just on scoring with skinks. He didn’t try to get stuck in with anyone...
Don’t remember all the details because I was painting while watching but Daughters did a lot of killing final turn to tie the game 7-7 but tie...
Fix Bloodclaw for new edition Decrease Trog and carno by 20 points Decrease Kroxigors by 20 points Saurus Knights should have horde bonus.
I am an amateur when it comes to sculpting but I have most of the supplies to do it. It’s interesting that you mention the head. I hadn’t thought...
I keep looking at the amazing total war 2 carnosaur and then I look at the model and I can’t help but hate it now. The short back legs the big...
I was a big Bloodclaw proponent in AoS but I have not gotten a game of AoS2 in yet. Everyone seems to start lists with Slanns now and I was...
I don’t really like the new summoning rules. I would have rather had a set number of dice each turn. Roll them all and summon 1 thing with equal...
Unfortunately, I don’t think carnosaurs will ever be better than they are. The turtle is godly because they want many people to spend a thousand...