I don’t see bloodclaw ever receiving a points reductions. It’s one of the few 1 drop competitive armies in the game.
In the current meta, if you arent taking a horde army, you are taking high armor multi-wound models. Anything that makes Bloodroar better is good...
After looking at the 3d renders of total war: warhammer 2 lizardmen, I just want an entire new range of miniatures with those proportions and...
I’d be willing to lose the rule of one if they would balance magic. WHFB has magic dice so while you could take 3 wizards that all had the same...
I’m pretty sure Most people use the buff to get two more attacks with the carnosaur’s jaws.
Does the Kroxigor Like a Steel Trap rule prevent models from making mortal wound saves after the mortal wounds are assigned? It says they do not...
One of the things he mentioned in the video is that he felt the seraphon struggled against the high armor save armies like ironjaws. In my...
Giving out mortal wounds like candy is ok, but having to build an army around buffing your units and stacking the buffs is bad. I never understand...
Fluff wise we are the Tyranids of AoS. We aren’t truly aligned with anyone. We follow the old ones will and destroy anything in our way. The only...
[IMG] Quetzacotyl would make a cool celestant prime proxy. You don’t have to do the feathers but could opt for Dino wings.
Here was the last thing I painted last year. It’s not finished still. I’ve been on a long break.[ATTACH]
I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I’ve painted anything. I’ll have to get back on the saddle.
Well the deepkin turtle does 6 mortal wounds every time it rolls a 6 on it’s bite attack. Oh and they can boost it to +1 or maybe even +2 so it’s...
I feel that terradons got better with the ability to teleport them behind enemy lines. I still prefer rippers though. I’ve been experimenting...
We have a lot of abilities that trigger extra damage against chaos daemons but it doesn’t feel like I get to use them much. Are people just now...
They can be 1 use units too for balance sake. Like they attack and deal mortal wounds then are just there as chaff
I want them to bring back jungle swarms, but make them good, with high mortal wound outputs instead of normal attacks. like 2d6 mortal wounds...
Not sure if its the game you are talking about, but there was a relatively quick game between seraphon and stormcast. The seraphon player was...
I’ve been looking online for stuff lately cause the gw online shop is always out. Gonna pic up a set of kroxigor from gw Friday if they do not...
Missed that part. Yeah sanding would need to be done before painting. I usually glue my models to the base before painting. You could try taking...