The thing about the flamethrowers is you should treat them as a melee weapon you use in the shooting phase. If you are close enough to use them...
No abilities or relics as tournaments in my area make you roll to nerf unkillable lord setups. Slann- General Engine of the Gods Salamanders x2...
Just try to remember that the old blood doesn't benefit from a shield and is far more fragile because of this. Scar-vets are both cheaper and more...
I'm bringing this list back to welcome in my first GT in GH17! I will be rocking 4 carnos in all their terrifying glory!
When it comes to GW the only thing I expect is to be disappointed. Sometimes they surprise me but usually I end up feeling justified in my...
Nvm everything was answer in another thread
you also can make your own skink chief/ skink priest from the bits found in the carnosaur or stegadon boxes.
I almost forget you can NOT take a skink alpha. I figured they were pretty much always taken.
the new ability is awesome! -dump a unit of skinks in front of the enemy to chaff them for the remainder of game. -position carnos and cold one...
Well done!
I run a similar list except I run 3 units of skinks and 2 salamanders. I like it and I'm glad it's working for you.
Not trying to derail the thread any more than it already is but they are very competitive when taken in a bloodclaw battalion with 2-3 cold one...
Yep but In the ATC(I think) rules they are using, it's comped so that A spell or ability can only affect a model once. So even though you have 3...
Sadly Here in the states tournaments are starting to run comped. So no stacking cold one vet bonuses and no vortex. so that's two of my favorite...
My army is 4 carnos and 30 knights. I can avoid the short range of warp lightning cannons. I can charge them and kill them before they do anything...
Man I'd love it if the stormfiend players in my meta used those weapons. I don't get that lucky. Mine are all using max numbers rattling cannons....
Make sure you teleport your chameleons off the board the following turn. Your rippers will die, it's what they do. But you should always save your...
I definitely feel being one of the first books hurt us as they seem to have priced our models on what was available at the time, not what things...
You could try Simple Green or whatever product you use to strip paint off your miniatures. Often that causes the glue to break down and might make...
Well it wouldn't be a summon spell it would be an ability so things like the bearer would not affect it but other things like the starseer which...