Don't listen to anyone but me about the big old scalyboiz. (Knocks over a tree) take enough to where you can have 20 skinks and 3 skink priests...
The skink has a point here. Theyre guard. Let them guard any VIP whether it be a skink priest, old blood, hell it makes sense for a sunblood to...
WELCOME SKINK!(earth trembles under my great weight) you can build any style army as you want as long as it is fun for you and works out for you....
Listen to erta he has a fair opinion and a level headed approach when playing this game
If were talking cold ones or carnosaur. The lore and the rules says its saurus on those. If were talking fucking lookin drippin and swagalicious...
Facts yo
I forgot about dracoths
I always thought the magmadroths could pass off for bring from the seraphon. Same fors with the Orruk warboss on the big wyvern thing
Wha... Whatcha got there
Yogvir yogvir and torr(orrrr)
It better be fucking butters or mittenz
Go home dread youre stoned
overall i disagree with the narrators opinion about the bite profile. he genuinely got a good opinion about this guys strategy. charge in and fuck...
While I dont necessary agree with the guy on the videos opinion on the jaws. He genuinely has a good understanding of how my unit works. And tbh...
Cycle charging is kind of the best thing to do with em. Obliterating most chaff. And well he can smack around archaon and gotrek
When I last used em vs my girlfriends skaven she turned em into swiss cheese with a metric fuckload of ratling gunners. It isnt fun for most...
Someone tell me how a a 2k army with 99% kroxigors would do or test it. I dont have enough kroxigors for this level of memes
btw thank you for re igniting my creative juices on how to utilize myself i appreciate your dedication to the greater daemon of the seraphon
that is one way of thinking and applying myself to a situation. personally i would throw myself at the enemy to destroy and rip and tear my way...