I have 1530 poins of dread saurians and currently with the fact that my girlfriend is quarentined and i cant go see her I currently only have one...
Sorry if I sounded crass My man. But the more I'm playing myself the more I realize that even though I I krump things rather easily wholesale. The...
Dont bother with it. Use it on someone else or use a different buff spell on the big lug. Give em a detachment of skinks if he has to travel a...
Not everyone runs kroak and the dice gods are fickle. Bone reapers are annoying. Not impossible. But annoying
(Reveals scaly leg) you can see more if you subscribe today
Do you want nakai? Then tlaloc the osprey is your thing. Want a sick as fuck looking standing for a carnosaur? Fuck spelling that name but these...
So wouldnt you still take coalesed for the extra bite attack and damage reduction? Or are you one of those other skinks?
Running kroak in coalesced isnt that great. You can make it work. But hes extremely slow and more or less I see him being used in a saurus guard...
Very nice
Its hideous....i fucking love it have it riding a cold one for the memes
What if we had chariots? Like Aztec versions of the dark elf cold one chariots. I think that would be bonkers
My dude you have seen one its the only one i got painted because I'm not motivated to paint at the this time but hey if I remember when i get home...
Yes yes clan skyre best rats yes yes.. oooooo ratling gun (sniffle)
I cant remember if FW has a stegadon model.(pathetic i know because i own 3 fucking dreads) But id assume it would be a bigger model than the gw...
Nice shiny scales yes yes. Skavenslaves make great treats for us
I love the look id probably bump his hp to 20 because zlaaq is the biggest baddest stegadon. So we wouldnt give him the cobra mace of mazdamundi....
I know hes dead but I wonder what his stats and abilities would be
Meanwhile kroak....
What if they brought back lord mazdamundi? Like thats an absolutely wild addition to bring an AOS mazdamundi?
*gestures to you with a huge clawed paw*