I'm back with a noticeable fun fact. Thanks to roar or ruin and the other -1 to bravery I find my opponents have a huge tendency to burn inspiring...
witht he buffs to saurus go with the saurus box with the carnosaur. it benefits a safe ass headstrong style.
Laughs in 3 dread saurians a skink starmaster and 20 skinks attempting to board wipe enemy every game
Be careful when assembling the beasty you got to do a bit of cutting at the resin to get em loose. But once assembles it shines brighter and...
Its not as bad as everyone makes it out to be hell you dont want him to be couped up so you can make the multicharge to get the obliterating...
went very well ogor mawtribes have a lot of monsters so doing work to kill them certainly helps. the -1 damage for coalesed is incredible for...
I play vs my girlfriends skaven a lot and yes it is as corny as you expected it to be. It's really full sale slaughter of skaven when i get to...
That's....actually what I'm running
As of 2-27-20 I got my 3rd dread if that's any way to calibrate guesses on delivery times
Alright boys im back with my review of the new DS vs skaven. DO NOT FAIL YOUR CHARGE. Yeah my girlfriend lit me up with her damn guns(coalesed)....
yeah that -1 to damage taken is a real life saver vs multidamaging people
how it felt to fight vs fyreslayers
i work wonders in it vs armies that have a a lot of d3 damage the -1 damage is really useful in keepin me upright and the extra bite duh id say...
realistically you cant really body block someone from an objective unless theres a choke point since they can just surround the 11.5"x8.5", dont...
An homest upfront dispute id love to try out the starborn with him but its really hard for me to not go coalesed with the extra bite attack. Dont...
Personally saying if youre trying for a 2k point army I would be hesitant at first but youd probably turn into that guy. Since with the slann and...
Currently for what i can figure out and have tested today against nurgle, iron jawz, fyreslayers, and beasts of chaos. 1 having him body guard the...
Not in the slightest he works best in coalesed for the extra bite attack the -1 damage and the thunder lizard for the +2 wounds. I'm a monster...
Yeah i feel ya $250 for a model is annoying especially when it doesnt come with the base its required to have to use
Sorry mate too busy foaming at the mouth at my update ask me in an hour when i have working braincells