Inconprehensible moans oh fuck yeah time to rip people to shreds on my oddly only -1 rend bite
So am I allowed to be used with the new book or do I have to wait for FW to update me?
Question my good skink why do some monster have 10 wounds with no table?
You son of a bitch im in 1 down 5 to go
I hope they have the stones to make a battleline that involves yours truly
You ask that question knowing god damn well who i am.... Starpriest he makes my bite do 12 damage
That boy is beautiful I love it and it makes me proud to see such creativity it makes me wonder how dreads could hunt those if that unit is only a...
I wonder how big the thunder lizard model is. Because arnt they supposed to be way bigger than a dread?
This is magnificent but underneath the swallow it says terrasque twice just tryin to help smooth out your sheet :)
Oh baby pusing that horde limits I see
That sounds painful but i see tidal wave of skinks incomming
(Looks on in discust) filthy heathen
My god that is spectacular you must of had a slann to turn 3 slap another carno out there
Ahh yes the tidal wave of skinks. And more skinks...and even more of em
Good lord that is a battle of attrition
What in the old ones names are the weirdest builds you have ever done that actually worked for you?. I'll be happy to say I ran 6 units of...
Fuck tires get a carnosaur like the rest of us
And I dont even know if my army is weak or not xD trog carno old blood and bastiladon with Sotek are my other 3 behemoths but I only summon the...
Huh odd. I could swear you could have it but then again the people I play with let me use the thunderquake with em so I guess casuals like me wont...
I especially like the buff to make his chomp do double but yeah I figured out that I cant just recklessly throw my dread anywhere I usually...