I`m looking for some ideas as to making a Gor-Rok character. I`m just curious to see what people on here have come up with.
Well today I had ordered a battalion box set, and Chakax. Then purchased some paint, glue, The Vulnerable Lord Kroak, Kroq-Gar, Skink Priest, Old...
Hey thanks everyone. I`ll have some pictures up tomorrow. I will be getting my old Lizardmen back tomorrow.
Tomorrow I`m thinking of buying the Battalion box set and the materials to assemble. Would this be the best way to start off? I already have the...
Ah thats fine. I`m going to visit my local hobby shop and see what I can`t get worked out.
Thanks. I`m actually looking to rebuild my army. I had sold it off when I left for school thinking I wouldn`t need it or want it anymore, but I...
Hey how is everyone? Well my name is Tyler and I live in Ohio, and I`m getting back into Warhammer. I believe its obvious my army of choice is...