Well I only ran carns with oldbloods with enchanted shield, with either sword of battle (+1 Att) or venom of firefrog to make 6s auto wound and...
well the big showed was a complete success do to my oppenents terrible dice rolling on panic checks. The big bad hydra only gobbled up one unit of...
My game against the DE is tonite so i will give the update of the game afterwards for everyone to read if there is any interest.
ok here is what i got for a list against the DE so far using the skinks to shoot at the hydra plus blast some magic at the hydra. I got the scar...
Hey all again I got back into WHFB and play the fellow Lizardmen with everyone here and need some advice and possible tactics to take on DE army...
with your extra points give a two handed weapon to your scar-vet with the jag charm...bye bye chariots and armor saves...good balanced list
the only tid bit of advice i can give is to switch the BSB from the scar vet to the slann. the scar can get killed being in the front row and...
This was the first time tried out a unit of Skink/Krox. I am goin to use them again when i play either today or wednesday nite again. A rematch...
I charged the unit of skink skirmishers in front of the skink/krox unit expecting the unit to be wiped out or break from combat. The unit was...
hey all just wanted to give a quick battle report/update on my ongoing lizardmen resurgance! I had a 1500 pt encounter against the feared High...
Hello All i am an old 4ed warhammer player that has been out of the scene for some time till now. I started collecting my lizardmen army (1st one...