[ATTACH] I've been to Ft. Knox. I don't have the most pleasant memories.
I didn't read that in what you said. There is nothing wrong with being careful. And it isn't anti-vax to say, "I don't want this particular...
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1178384921/kings-of-war-the-roleplaying-game/description I haven't seen this on here, so I'll post it. They...
[ATTACH] Quick project from past weekend. Mostly done, but these need some touch up and I have two more in the set. I need to do the Stormcast...
[MEDIA] I'm not sure which is worse. The fact that I immediately thought of this commercial, or the fact that I actually remembered the company...
"Umm, honey? What are you doing? Uh, no. We aren't allowed to act out daddy's Gitmo stories. At least, not in public..."
Found it. http://www.invisible-city.com/content/peep-war-2005-revision
Edible terrain... Interesting. Not sure how I'd make it work, I mean, why would you be eating it, rules-wise? Although I remember seeing a wargame...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Got my phone working again. Pictures of what I've been working on.
Phone is on the fritz right now, so I can't post any pictures, but I got a bunch of skaven done over the last week or so. I did an assassin...
Anyone need a foldable dice tray for their Lizardmen? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ulissesspiele/torg-eternity-aysle/description Check...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Started on the rebasing and got a few more rats done. Now I just need to find time for the next 20.
Nice. The one demo game I ran in theater in '08, I at least had some minis I had brought to work on. And I taught myself to play 8th ed. WHFB on...
Fish of Fury, IIRC. Although it wasn't the most abusive list by a long shot. I don't recall playing against it. For me, they got annoying because...
Experimented with contrast paints by painting some skaven.
[ATTACH] Playing with contrast paints. I had a few minutes to experiment over the last couple evenings, so experimented with a few skaven. They...
I have a six figure salary. You know, four before the decimal and two after.
Finally got a game in with my gloomspite gits. Lost badly to Stormcast at 1000 pts. Basically, I did everything right, made the rolls I needed to,...
This would be fun, but I have no time right now. I might be interested in a few months.
I'm going to guess the undead city marker from the original Mighty Empires. Edit: Found it. Temple from the ME 1991 expansion....