Finished two of the five Skaven in the Shadespire warband. Hoping to get the rest done by the end of the week because after that hobby time will...
Oh. I'll also mention Lloyd Alexander's Prydain series. Best remembered for being the source material for the Black Cauldron, it's based on Welsh...
May go by my FLGS to pick up some paint. Not sure if I'll get any painting done, but we'll see. I got some base coats onto a couple Skaven yesterday.
Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago has some lizardmen coming out soon. I'm also hoping that the Torg: Eternity Living Land kickstarter that starts in...
For an eleven year old, The Hobbit isn't too bad. C.S. Lewis' Narnia Chronicles are always good. As others have commented, Redwall is good. My 10...
I will admit, I love my exocrine. It does a great job of taking care of anything a decent save. I'd also recommend trying out a Tyrannofex. They...
Put my new Shadespire Spiteclaw's Swarm warband together and primed them.
As a fellow 'nid player, I will tell you that tanks actually aren't all that bad. You just have to think of them as really big lobsters. Once you...
It depends on what your tastes in Sci-fi and Fantasy are. Tolkien is always good. So is C.S. Lewis. George MacDonald has long been regarded as one...
Cut out ten more Handgunners and glued them to their bases.
It's actually based on my paint scheme for the Knights of the Summer Sky, the Order I created for my 8th Ed. Empire army. :-)
Finished my Lord Ordinator.
Finished my Lord Ordinator today, except for basing. He was mostly done yesterday, but needed a few touch ups. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Navy gets no respect? For a good reason! I remember a few years ago, I heard comment from an Air Force officer on the cultural differences...
A tent at the very least. :-)
The gummy must flow...
Oh, I made sure I had gotten her plenty of gifts earlier in the day.