Planning on going by the local GW tonight to try out contrast paints and maybe get a Killteam game in.
You can also do this over Discord. It works pretty well.
Some of these may be from the Bulwer-Lytton contest. If you are unfamiliar with it, it's an annual contest to...
There is a bunch of free samples of paper terrain on Drivethrurpg. I know I downloaded a bunch over the years. If you can get a hold of a 4th ed....
Looking good.
Got a little more hobby time in. Built a fungoid cave shaman I bought, today. (Well mostly. I got it all together into painting subassemblies.) I...
Built my Loonboss on a Giant Cave Squig. Then went and built all twenty Blood Reavers and five Blood Warriors from my original AoS set that's been...
Finished my fyreslayers.
Not sure if she's on the level?
[ATTACH] And done with the Fyreslayers.
That was my first guess. Daerk Aelf cold one riders. But I'm hoping it's seraphon. Or maybe it's part of Malekith's dragon's tail...
I have a few more years before I get to first generation.
I have no idea how you do it. I struggle to get any hobby time in and I only have one.
Finished two of the four fyreslayers and got most of the paint on the other two.
[ATTACH] Got some painting time in and two of four Shadespire Fyreslayers finished. The other two are 3/4 done, just need some washes and layering.
Not yet. I will get there eventually, but I need to find time to finish building them, then painting them. My hobby time is very limited right now...
You can poke fun at the name, but I actually have the model. And the name is pretty standard for GW in those days. I mean, Luthor Huss was a named...
Yes, that is definitely 5th. The 6th, 7th, and 8th ed. books had a very different style.
Built two models from the fyreslayer Shadespire kit.
First, it's probably quite a bit smaller than the PP models. Second, I can see a lot of tyranid rippers in there.